Tech Task #8 - Visual Literacy - Infographics!

What is an infographic? Infographics are visual representations of information which display the data in a clear, concise manner. 

I think infographics are very helpful in a classroom, especially for those visual learners (such as myself)! Often an image or graphic will help a student make a connection to the data, which make for a better chance of memorization.  Infographics can included: flow charts, timelines, comparison infographics(versus), statistical infographics, and process infographics(steps).

Here is my first infographic I created called "Miss Chapman's Classroom Expectations."  I think having these expectations always posted in an infographic would be advantageous because they are always there as a reminder to the students. 

The following is an example of an infographic I would use in an early years classroom to remind the students of strategies for reading.  

~Miss C



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