Tech Task #1 CURATION (the forgotten ‘C’)
I LOVE ORGANIZING!! If I feel even slightly unorganized, it stresses me out! I do not like mess and clutter anywhere!
I think it is so important to stay organized always, for when our lives get busy and chaotic. Disorganization leads to forgetting to complete a task, losing an item, being unprepared for a situation, etc., etc. By avoiding clutter in our workspace, we enable ourselves to be more productive and less stressed!

Some methods I use for keeping myself organized include:
- Use a day planner! As you think of something you need to do, write it down and you can't forget. (I prefer a physical planner, but there a many apps online to use for planning, such as Timetree & Google Calendar)
- Create documents on Google Docs, so that you can pick up where you left off from any device.
- Organize computer files. I organize by year, class/subject, unit, specific task/assignment.
- keep hard copies of class materials in a binder as back up, just in case!
- Back up all computer files on a memory stick!
- Keep a clean desktop - use a service such as Dropbox or Google Drive to store files. This also allows you to have access to your files from various devices.
- Delete old emails! Nothing is worse than scrolling through thousands of junk emails to find one important email.
~Miss C.
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